Chuck's hot chicken phone number
Chuck's hot chicken phone number


Sharing space with a Cecil Whittaker's Pizza location in a strip mall that’s also home to the fabulous St. It’s only been within the past decade that the fiery fowl has been exported from Tennessee now, it seems, any burg big enough to have a stoplight also sports at least one place peddling it. Next to Oprah, hot chicken is Nashville’s most famous contribution to civilization. It begins as a smoldering sensation on your tongue, then ignites and halfway through the bite, it’s gone for the jugular of your sinuses and it’s all over but, literally, the crying. It sneaks up on you like a pride of lions surrounding an unsuspecting wildebeest at a watering hole, closing in as your mouth thinks it’s just another sunny day on the savannah. Using an oily stew of volatile spices, dip the unfried chicken in it before it goes into the hot grease and then use the same potion in the crust. It’s an ingenious, some might say diabolical, preparation. Nashville’s iconic hot chicken has captured the enthusiasm of millions of eaters who’ve never been any closer to Nashville than having their heart broken in a pickup truck in the rain. Not everybody can do it right.Which brings us to the pickles-and more-at a new chicken joint, Chuck’s Hot Chicken, in Maryland Heights.

chuck chuck

Finally fried chicken done right! Let's face it, anybody can hang out a sign and sell pizza. Gionino's introduced it's soon to be famous "Italiano Fried Chicken". Not your ordinary "cookie cutter" recipes. Everything we serve is made from the freshest ingredients with just the right old world flavor. What makes Gionino's Pizzeria different? It's our food. "Best tasting pizza" became the benchmark by which their franchise has grown.


Their belief in quality and value has garnered the respect of not only their customers, but also their peers. Sam and Chuck's vision has become a reality. What began as a dream for brothers Sam and Chuck Owen in Tallmadge, Ohio has developed into a growing franchise with over 50 locations throughout Ohio. The original restaurant is a small lively hangout for family members and locals alike. Gionino's Pizzeria has been serving up "Your Hometown Pizza Favorites" for over 30 years.

Chuck's hot chicken phone number